Embrace Your Greys With Modern Grey Blending

One of the most appealing aspects of embracing grey blending with lived-in color is its ability to extend the time between salon visits. Unlike traditional full-coverage hair coloring, which often requires frequent touch-ups to cover visible regrowth, grey blending offers a more forgiving approach to maintenance.

Grey blending requires less frequent touch-ups compared to traditional full-coverage hair coloring. This is because the color is strategically blended with the natural grey hair, resulting in a softer transition between the colored and grey strands. As a result, regrowth is less noticeable, 

The key to extending time between salon visits lies in the seamless integration of color with the natural grey hair. By using a combination of subtle highlights, lowlights, and strategically placed toners, stylists at Sunbeam Studio can soften the transition between the grey and colored strands, making regrowth much more soft and subtle. 

During your consultation with your hairstylist, discuss your desired level of maintenance and lifestyle preferences. Based on your individual needs, your stylist can create a customized maintenance plan that maximizes the longevity of your grey blending with lived-in color.

By embracing grey blending with lived-in color, you can enjoy effortlessly chic hair with minimal maintenance. The subtle blending of color tones softens the transition between grey and colored strands, making regrowth less noticeable and extending the time between salon visits. With a customized maintenance plan and a few simple tips for color preservation, you can confidently embrace your grey hair while effortlessly elevating your style.


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